About Us

The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral rolls for, and the conduct of all elections to Panchayats and Municipalities is vested in the State Election Commission consisting of a State Election Commissioner to be appointed by the Governor. The State Election Commission shall have the powers of a Civil Court while trying a suit under Code of Civil Procedure 1908. The State Election Commission is also empowered with powers to disqualify defectors under Anti-Defection law.The State Election Commission consists of an Election Commissioner. The Commissioner is assisted by such number of officers and employees as may be necessary to assist the Commissioner in the discharge of its function and Government in consultation with Commissioner shall appoint such officers from time to time.

Appointment & Tenure of Commissioner

The Commissioner is appointed by the Governor under Clause (1) of Article 243(K) of the Constitution. He holds the offices for a period of 5 years or up to the age of 65 years, whichever comes first. He has the same status as High Court Judges and can only be removed from office by an order of the Governor supported by the legislature. Shri. Shajahan.A IAS (Retd) has been appointed as the new Commissioner by the Governor of Kerala vide Notification No. GO(P) No. /2021/LSGD dated . .2021 (SRO No. 288/2021) and assumed the charge on 31st March 2021.

Powers and Functions

In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, Kerala State enacted the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and the Kerala Municipality Act , 1994 and also empowered the State Election Commission Kerala with:-

The determination of constituencies reserved for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Women,

The allotment of offices of President, Vice President, Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Mayor and Deputy Mayor by rotation for every level of Panchayat/ Muncipality subject to the number of offices so fixed by Government.

To conduct the elections to offices of President, Vice President, Chairpesron, Deputy Chairperson, Mayor and Deputy Mayor; and to members of District Planning Committees and Standing Committees.

Section 10 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and Section 69 of the Kerala Municipality Act , 1994 provides that State Election Commission shall be the Chairman of the Delimitation Commission, notified by the Government, for fixing the boundaries of constituencies.

Section 12 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 provides an independent office and staff for State Election Commission to discharge its function; and officers are appointed by Government after consultation with Commission.

Section 48A of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and 104A of the Kerala Municipality Act , 1994 mandate that all officers designated for the conduct of election shall be deemed to be on deputation to the State Election Commission for the period from the date of notification of election till the date of declaration of result of such election and such officers shall be under the control, supervision and command of the State Election Commission during the period.

State Election Commission Kerala is authorized to adjudicate the matter of disqualification of a member of a local authority under the provisions of the Kerala Local Authority (Prohibition of Defection) Act, 1999.

Section 33 of Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and Section 89 of Kerala Municipality Act 1994 provides that the State Election Commission shall disqualify a person for a period of 5 years from the date of its order, if he fails to lodge an account of election expenses within the prescribed time limit and manner.

Section 157(5) of Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and Section 19(4) of Kerala Municipality Act 1994 provides that a meeting convened for considering a motion of non- confidence shall be presided over by the officer authorised by the the State Election Commission.


District Election Officers

District Collectors have been designated as District Election Officers in all the 14 districts in the State. The District Election Officers co-ordinate and supervise all works in the respective districts or in the area within their jurisdiction in connection with preparation or revision of electoral rolls and the conduct of all elections to Local Self Government Institutions subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the State Election Commission.

Assistant District Election Officers

The Election Deputy Collectors have been designated as the Assistant District Election Officers for Municipalities and Corporations and the Deputy Director of Panchayats of the districts as the Assistant District Election Officers for Panchayats in their respective districts to assist the District Election Officers in connection with all works of election.

Electoral Registration Officers

The State Election Commission may, in consultation with the Government designate or nominate Electoral Registration Officers from among the officers of Government or of a local body for the preparation and revision of, the electoral roll for each constituency or ward. The Electoral Registration Officers prepare or revise the electoral roll as per the direction, control and superintendence of the State Election Commission from time to time. The Secretaries of the Grama Panchayats and Municipalities are designated as Electoral Registration Officers for all the constituencies comprised in the respective Grama Panchayats and Municipalities concerned. The Additional Secretaries of the Corporations are designated as the Electoral Registration Officers for the Municipal Corporations.

Assistant Electoral Registration Officers

The Assistant Secretaries/Junior Superintendent /Head Clerk of the Grama Panchayat are designated as Assistant Electoral Registration Officers to assist Electoral Registration Officers. For Municipalities PA to Secretary, Revenue Officer, Municipal Engineer, and Superintendent and for Municipal Corporations Deputy Secretary, Revenue Officers, PA to Secretary, Council Secretary, Accounts Officers, and Engineers are designated as the Assistant Electoral Registration Officers.

Returning Officers

The District Collectors have been designated as Returning Officers for District Panchayats. In each Grama Panchayats and Block Panchayats, one officer of the Government has been nominated as Returning Officers. For Municipalities having upto 35 wards one Returning officer and Municipalities having more than 35 wards, two Returning officers are appointed. In case of Corporations, one Returning Officer, for every 25 wards, is appointed.

Assistant Returning Officers

The State Election Commission appoints one or more Assistant Returning Officers to assist the Retuning Officer in the performance of his function. The Assistant Returning Officers are authorized to perform all functions except scrutiny of nomination papers.

Presiding Officers and Polling Officers

The District Election Officer shall appoint a Presiding Officer for each polling station for the polling duty in any election to Local Self Government Institutions. It is the general duty of the Presiding officer at a polling station to see that the poll is conducted in free and fair manner. In addition to the Presiding Officer, three Polling Officers and one Polling Assistant are also appointed for each Polling Station to assist Presiding Officer for the smooth conduct of election.

Election Observers

The Election Observers shall assist the Commission to ensure a free, fair, transparent and equitable election and shall discharge such other functions as may be entrusted by the Commission.

Sectoral Officers

Sectoral officer is responsible for polling stations in a Sector with a manageable route covering polling stations within 1 to 2hrs. He is specifically responsible for his polling locations, distribution and collection of EVM and polling materials, vulnerability mapping, voters served by the polling locations under him and election management. He is supported by polling officers at polling stations and he reports to Returning officer.


Since the Election Authorities perform the pivotal task in the field, it is important that they know the rules, regulations, guidelines, instructions and other related materials concerning the electoral process. The Commission gives utmost value to the capacity building of the officials and for this purpose a series of cascading training programmes is organized for them. Apart from that, this learning portal is intended as a reference to them and will help them to discharge their duty in a manner that earns trust of the voters and the confidence of the Commission.